Bibliografía sobre discipulado

en varias lenguas



Achtemeier, P.J., “And He followed Him”: Miracles and Discipleship in Mark 10,46-52”, Semeia 11 (1978) 115-145.

Aerts, A., “Suivre Jésus : évolution d’un thème biblique dans les évangiles synoptiques », EThL 42 (1966) 476-512.

Aguirre, R., Del movimiento de Jesús a la Iglesia cristiana, Verbo Divino, Estella 1998.

Aguirre, R. y A Rodríguez (eds.), La investigación de los evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los Apóstoles en el siglo XX, Estella 1996.

Bartolomé, J.J., “El evangelio de Marcos, un manual de formación para seguidores de Jesús”, Phase 30 (1990) 397-411.

Bartolomé, J. J., El discipulado de Jesús en Marcos, EstBib 51 (1993) 511-530.

Barton S.C., Discipleship and Family Ties in Mark and Matthew, Cambridge U.P., London 1994,   SNTS nº 80.

Barton S.C., “The Communal Dimension of earliest Christianity”, JTS 43/2 (1992) 399-427.

Barton S.C., “Mark as Narrative”, ExpT (102 (1991) 230-233.

Beare, F.W., “The Mission of the Disciples and the Mission Charge: Matthew 10 and Parallels”, JBL 89 (1970) 1-13.

Beck, B.E., Christian Character in the Gospel of Luke, Epworth Press, London 1989, 232 p.  XII 40 A

Best, E., “The Role of the Disciple in Mark”, NTS 23 (1977) 377-401.  *

Best, E., Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, JSOT Press, Sheffield 1981, JSNTSS n` 4.

Black, C.C., The Disciples according to Mark.  Marcan redaction in current debate, JSOT Press, Sheffield 1989.

Calle, F. de la, Situación al servicio del kerigma. Cuadro geográfico del evangelio de Marcos, Salamanca 1975.

Crossan, J. D., “Mark and the Relatives of Jesus”, NovT 15 (1973) 81-113.

David, D., “Responsibilities of Master and Disciples in the Gospels”, NTS 19 (1973-3) 1-15.

Dewey, J., “Point of View and the Disciples in Mark” en Society of Biblical Literature, 1982 Seminar Papers, p. 97-106.

Donahue, J.R., The Theology and Setting of Discipleship in the gospel of Mark, Marquette UP., Milwakee 1983.

Donaldson, J., “‘Called to follow’.  A Twofold Experience of Discipleship in Mark”, Biblical Theology Bulletin 5 (1975) 67-77.

Delorme, J., El evangelio según san Marcos, Verbo Divino, Estella 1978.

Dunn. J. D. G., La llamada de Jesús al seguimiento, Sal Terrae, Santander 2001.

Edwards, R.A., “Uncertain Faith.  Matthew’s Portrait of the Disciples”, en Segovia, F.F., (ed.), Discipleship in the New Testament, Fortress, Philadelphia 1985, p. 47-60.

Elliot, J. K., The Language and Style of the gospel of Mark, Leiden 1993.  1323/71

Ellis, I., “Jesus and the Subversive Family”, SJT 38 (1985) 173-188.

Estrada Díaz, J.A., “Las relaciones Jesús-pueblo-discípulos en el evangelio de Marcos”, Estudios Eclesiásticos 54 (1979) 151-170.  *

Feuillet, A., “L’épisode de la Tentation d’après l’Évangile selon St. Marc », Est. Bib 19 (1960) 49-73.

Feuillet, A., Le symbolisme de la Colombe dans les récits évangeliques du Baptême », RechScRel 46 (1958) 524-544.

Fledddermann, “The Discipleship Discourse (Mark 9.33-50)” CBQ 43 (1981) 57-75.

Fleddermann, « The Demands of Discipleship : Mt 8,19-20 par. Lk 9,57-62 », en F. van Segbroeck (ed.), The Four Gospels 1992, Lovaina 1992 (54l-561.

Focant, C., “L’incompréhension des disciples dans le deuxième évangile”, Revue Biblique 82 (1975) 161-185.  *

Freyne, S., The Twelve: Disciples and Apostles, A Study in the Theology of the First Three gospels, London 1968.

Fusco, V., Povertà e sequela: La pericope sinottica della chiamata del ricco, Brescia 1991.

Guijarro Oporto, S., “La familia en la Galilea del siglo I, EstBib 53 (1995) 461-488.

Guijarro Oporto, S., “Reino y familia en conflicto. Una aportación al estudio del Jesús histórico”, EstBib 56 (1998) 507-541.

Guijarro, S., Fidelidades en conflicto. La ruptura con la familia por causa del discipulado y de la misión en la tradición sinóptica (Plenitudo temporum 5), Salamanca 1998.

Hawkin, D.J., “The Incomprehension of the Disciples in Marcan Redaction”, JBL 91 (1972) 491-500.  *

Heil, J.P., Jesús Walking on the Sea: Meaning and Gospel Functions of Matt. 14,22-33, Mark 6,45-52 and John 6,15b-21, Roma 1981.  An Bib 87.

Hengel, M., Seguimiento y carisma¸ Santander 1981.

Hurtado, L.W., “Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark - and beyond”, en R.N. Longenecker, (ed.), Patterns of discipleship in the NT, Grand Rapids 1996.

Jacobson, A.D., “Divided Families and Chritian Origins”, en R.A. Piper (ed.), The Gospel Behind the Gospels (NT Sup 75), Leiden 1995, 361-380.

Johnson, L.T., The literary function of possessions in Luke-Acts, SBL 39, Scholars, Missoula 1977, 241 p.  *

Kelber, W., Mark – Traditions in Conflict, Filadelfia 1971.

Kilpatrick, G.D., “Jesus, his Family and his Disciples”, JSMT 15 (1982) 3-19.

Kingsbury, J.D., “The Verb ‘Akoloutheuein’ as an Index of Matthew’s View of his Community”, JBL 98 (1979) 101-107.

Kingsbury, J.D., Matteo, un racconto, Queriniania, Brescia 1998. *

Kingsbury, J.D., “On Following Jesus: The ‘Eager’ Scribe, and the ‘Reluctant’ Disciple (Mt 8,18-22)”, NTS 34 (1988) 45-59.

Kingsbury, J.D., Conflicto en Marcos:Jesús, autoridades, discípulos, Córdoba 1991, 170 p.

Lambrecht, J., “The Relatives of Jesus in Mark”, NovT 16 (1974) 241-258.

Leal Salazar, G., El Seguimiento de Jesús según la tradición del rico. Estudio redaccional y diacrónico de Mc 10,17-31, Verbo Divino, Estella 1996, 279 p.  Colección Institución San Jerónimo nº 31.

Lenhardt, P., “Voies de la continuité juive.  Aspects de la relation maître-disciple d’après la littérature rabbinique anciènne”, RSR 66 (1978) 489-516.

Lentzen Deis, F., Comentario al Evangelio de Marcos. Modelo de una nueva evangelización, Estella 1998.

Longenecker, R.N., (ed.), Patterns of discipleship in the NT, Grand Rapids 1996.

Luz, U., “The Disciples in the Gospel According to Matthew”, en Stanton (ed.), The Interpretation of Matthew, SPCK, London 1983, p. 98-128.

Maggioni, B., El relato de Marcos, Madrid 1981.

Malina, B.J., Los evangelios sinópticos y la cultura mediterránea del siglo I, Verbo Divino, Estella 1996.

Manicardi, E., Il cammino di Gesù nel vangelo di Marco : Schema narrativo e tema cristologico, Roma 1981.

Martínez, E.R., La Sequela di Gesucristo nel Vangelo secondo Marco, Gregoriana, Roma 2.000.   

Martini, C., La llamada de Jesús. Orar con el evangelio de Marcos, Madrid 1983.

Marxsen, W., El evangelista Marcos. Estudios sobre la historia de la redacción del evangelio, Salamanca 1981.

Mateos, J., Los Doce y otros seguidores de Jesús en el evangelio de Marcos, Cristiandad, Madrid 1982.

Mateos, J., El evangelio de Marcos, 2 vols., Córdoba 1993.

Matera, F.J., “The Incomprehension of the Disciples and Peter’s Confession (Mark 6,14-8,30)”, Biblica 70 (1989) 153-172.

Meye, R.P., Jesus and the Twelve.  Discipleship and Revelation in Mark’s Gospel, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids 1960.  XII 33 13

Moloney, F.J., Disciples and Prophets.  A Biblical Model for the Religious Life, Darton, London 1980.

Moloney, F.J., “The Vocation of the Disciples in the Gospel of Mark”, Salesianum 43 (1981) 487-516.  *

Moore, W. E., “Inside and Outside: A Markan Motif”, ET 97 (1986-87) 39-43.

Munro, W., “Women disciples in Mark?”, CBQ 44 (1982) 225-241.

Neudecker, R., “Master/Disciple Disciple/Master Relationship in Rabbinic Judaism and in the Gospels”, Gregorianum 80 (1999) 245-261.

Neyrey, J., “Loss of Wealth, Loss of Family and Loss of Honour, The Cultural Context of the Original Makarisms in Q”, en P.F. Esler (ed.), Modelling Early Christianity. Social-Scientific Studies of the New Testament in Context, Londres-Nueva York 1995.

Neyrinck, F., The Gospel of Mark. A cumulative bibliography, Lovaina 1992, 717 p.  BETL nº 102

Painter, J., “When is a House not Home? Disciples and Family in Mark 3.13-15”, NTS 45 (1999) 498-513.

Patte, D., Discipleship according to the Sermon of the Mountain, Valley Forge 1996, 416 p.

Pérez Herrero, F., Evangelio según San Marcos, en Comentario al Nuevo Testamento (Casa  de la Biblia) 1995.

Perrin, N., “Towards an Interpretation of the Gospel of Mark”, en H.D. Betz (ed.), Chris­to­logy and a Modern Pilgrimage. A Discussion with Normal Perrin, Missoula 1974, 1-52.

Picaza, X., Pan, casa palabra. La Iglesia en Marcos, Salamanca 1998.

Picaza, X., Para vivir el evangelio de Marcos, Estella 1995.

Pinto, L. di,”Seguire Gesù secondo i vangeli sinottici. Studio di teologia biblica”, en Asso­cia­zione biblica italiana (ed.) Fondamenti biblici della teologia morale, Brescia 1973, 187-201.

Pronzato, A., Un cristiano comienza a leer el evangelio de Marcos, 2 vols., Salamanca 1982-84.

Quesnell, Q., The Mind of Mark.Interpretation and Method through the Exegesis of  Mark VI,52, Roma 1969. Analecta Biblica 38.

Raïsänen, H., The “Messianic Secret” in Mark’s Gospel, Edinburgh 1990. 1473/60

Richard, E., (ed.), New Views on Luke and Acts, Liturgical Press, Collegeville MI 1990.

Rius-Camps, “El seguimiento de Jesús, ‘el Señor’, y de su Espíritu en los prolegómenos de la misión (Hch 1-12)”, Est.Bib 51 (1993) 72-116.

Robbins, V.K., “The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus (10,46-52) in the Marchan Theology”, JBL 92 (1973) 224-243.

Rodríguez Carmona,. A. (ed.), “Historia de la investigación marciana en el siglo XX”, en R. Aguirre y A Rodríguez (eds.), La investigación de los evangelios sinópticos y Hechos de los Apóstoles en el siglo XX, Estella 1996, 37-152.

Rodríguez Carmona, A., Predicación del evangelio de san Marcos. Guía para la lectura y predicación, Edice, Madrid 1987.

Sabbé, M. (ed.), L’Évangile selon Marc : Tradition et rédaction, Lovaina 1974, 309-346.   BETL 34

Schmahl, G., Die Zwölf im Markusevangelium, Paulinus, Trier 1974.

Schnackenburg, R., El evangelio según San Marcos, 2 vols., Barcelona 1973.

Schürmann, H., “Le Group des disciples de Jésus, signe pour Israël et prototype de la vie selon les conseils, Christus (1966) 184-209.

Segovia, F.F., (ed.), Discipleship in the New Testament, Fortress, Philadelphia 1985.

Smith, M., “A Comparison of Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Tradition”, JBL 82 (1963) 169-179.

Stock, A., Call to Discipleship: A Literary Study of Mark’s Gospel, Glazier, wilmington 1982.  MC C52.1

Stock, K., “I discepoli di Gesù nei vangeli sinottici”, Dizionario di spiritualitá biblico-patristica, Roma 1992, v. 4, 88-104.

Struthers Malbon, E., “Disciples/Crowds/Whoever: Markan Characters and Readers”, NovT 28 (1986), 104-129.

Struthers Malbon, E., “The Jesus of Mark and the Sea of Galilee”, JBL 103 (1984) 363-377.

Sweetland, D., On journey with Jesus. Discipleship according to Luke-Acts, Good News 25, Glazier, 261 p.

Sweetland, D.M., Our journey with Jesus: Discipleship according to Luke-Acts, Liturgical Press, Collegeville 1990.

Tannehill, R., “Jesus and the Disciples”, The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts.  A Literary Interpretation, vol I, p. 203-274. *

Tannehill, R., “The Disciples in Mark.  The Function of a Narrative Role”, Jour. Rel 57 (1977) 286-405.

Taylor, E. L., The Disciples of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, (Dissertation Abstracts n. 3) Sou­thern Baptist Theological Seminary 41 (1980-81)

Taylor, V., Evangelio según San Marcos, Madrid 1979.

Theissen, G., Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity, Fortress, Philadelphia 1978.

Theissen, G., The First Followers of Jesus. A Sociological Analysis of the Earliest Christianity, Londres 1978.

Tyson, W.B., “The Blindness of the Disciples in Mark”, JBL 80 (1961) 261-268. *

Uhuegbu Olekamma, I., The Healing of Bartimaeus (Mark 10 46-52) in the Markan Context, Peter Lang, Frankfurt 1999. European University Studies, series XXIII, Theology, vol. 672.

Van Cangh, J.-M., “La multiplication des pains dans l’évangile de Marc : Essai d’exegèse globale », en Sabbé, M. (ed.), L’Évangile selon Marc : Tradition et rédaction, Lovaina 1974, 309-346.   BETL 34

Van Iersel, B.M.F., “Failed Followers in Mark: Mark 13,12 as a Key for the Identification of the Intended Readers”, CBQ 58 (1996) 244-263, 257-258.

Weeden, T.J., “The Heresy that necessitated Mark’s Gospel”, ZNW 59 (1968) 145-158. *

Weeden, T.J., Mark - Traditions in Conflict, Fortress, Philadelphia 1971. (La visión más negativa sobre los discípulos.  El evangelio los ataca como los contrarios de Marcos)

Wilkins, M.T., The Concept of Disciple in Matthew’s Gospel, as Reflected in the Use of the Term maqhth", Brill, Leiden 1988, 252 p., SNT n 59.  *

Williams, J.F., Other Followers of Jesus. Minor Characters as Major Figures in Mark’s Gospel, Sheffield 1994.

Wrede. W., The Messianic Secret, Attic 1971.



Sobre el problema sinóptico: en la Web

On-Line Resources for the Study of the Synoptic Gospels

Among valuable on-line resources on the Synoptic Gospels, the following are particularly recommended:

  • Synoptic Gospel Primer, by Mahlon Smith: a detailed introduction to the synoptic problem, with coloured English synopsis, background on key figures and a defence of the Two-Source Hypothesis.

  • Synoptic Problem Home Page by Stephen Carlson: features an overview of the synoptic problem, annotated bibliography, coloured Greek synopsis, diagrams and explanations of hypotheses, and many relevant links to other on-line resources.

  • Mark Without Q by Mark Goodacre: an exposition and defence of the Farrer Hypothesis, featuring articles, bibliography, FAQ and a comprehensive series of links.

  • The Two Gospel Hypothesis homepage by Thomas Longstaff: features coloured Greek synopsis, from the International Institute for the Renewal of Gospel Studies.

  • The New Testament Gateway by Mark Goodacre: Comprehensive, annotated, regularly updated directory of all the best academic New Testament material available on the internet. Includes pages on:

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